Sunday, October 30, 2011

In My Mailbox (36)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

What's up bookish people?! It's that time of week for the sharing of the spoils! This week, I controlled myself and didn't buy any books. But I did get a nice little smattering of e-galleys for review. Here they are:

For Review:
Pure by Julianna Baggott (NetGalley)
Unraveling Isobel by Eileen Cook (Galley Grab)
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (NetGalley)
Don't You Wish by Roxanne St. Claire (NetGalley)
The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges (NetGalley)
Someone Else's Life by Katie Dale (NetGalley)

What books did you get this week?


  1. I didn't know pure was on How cool is that? I also was lucky to be approved for Cinder. Looking forward to reading your review.

    Enjoy your books.

  2. Wow, Netgalley has some awesome books, huh? I should stop by there pretty soon :P Happy reading, Jenny!

  3. I can't wait to see what people think of Cinder! I've been seeing it around everywhere. Awesome bit of books this week!

  4. Don't You Wish is in my IMM this week as well it sounds really fun.

    Xpresso Reads

  5. Cinder looks really great!

    Here's mine:

  6. I'm seeing Don't You Wish in a lot of IMM posts - must investigate......I have Cinder for review, I'm looking forward to reading it. The cover is creepy.

  7. Lucky you, looks like great books!

  8. Ooh, I didn't know that Cinder was on Netgalley.
    Definitely have to check that out!

    Hope you enjoy these :)

  9. So many peeps are getting Cinder. It sounds interesting. Guess I'll hop over to net galley and check it out. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it. Enjoy!

  10. Lots of good ones this week!!! I'm eager to read Pure. It looks so good!

  11. Someone else's life sounds like it's going to be really good. Great haul this week. :)

  12. Ooooo you got Cinder! That one is on my wishlist! I've still got my fingers crossed :)
    Great haul this week! Thanks for stopping by. New follower :)
    MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter

  13. Oh wow Pure and The Gathering Storm sound awesome! Adding them to my tbr now.

  14. I love NetGalley and Galley Grab! Can't wait to get started on Pure. Enjoy your books!

  15. awesome books this week! i really want to read cinder and the gathering storm. enjoy and thanks for stopping by our IMM. :)


  16. Truly interesting that I've been seeing Cinder around a lot of mailboxes over the past weeks. I hope it's a good read. By any chance, what does a 'galley grab' mean? I'm fairly new with net galley so I'm still navigating my way around the site. Thanks!

  17. I was thinking about reading Someone's Elses Life, I hope you enjoy it. I've been trying not to overfill myself on netgalley because then my pile of paperbacks never gets any attention. Anyway, thanks for stopping over ;)

  18. Oooh you snagged a bunch of awesome books of NetGalley!! I wish I had an ereader, so excited to read ALL of these! Especially Cinder. And The Gathering Storm. And Don't You Wish. And yeah, I'm just going to name them all haha. Hope you enjoy!

  19. Really excited for a lot of these! Great mailbox :) Thanks for stopping by!

  20. Great boks to review. I have Cinder, I shall have a read soon. It sounds interesting and I love the cover.

    New follower:D


  21. I am so excited to read Cinder. Can't wait to see your review. What a fabu IMM this week! Great books.

  22. Oooh Pure and Cinder! <3 Can't wait to read them. They sound amazing! :)

    Hope you enjoy your books!

    Pam @ jellylovesbooks

  23. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I too have some of these on Netgalley but just saving most of them for when I go to Europe in December hehe ;) Gives me something to read on my Sony Touch.

    Happy reading and enjoy your week ;)

  24. awesome books! im gonna request a few of those books when i get the chance, im already buried in books at the moment :P

    enjoy your reads!

    - juhina

  25. Wow many of the books you received are in my TBR list! Great haul this week :)

    Thanks for dropping by my IMM btw. Lola definitely sounds good, and everyone has been gushing over it so much! ^^

    Felicia @ A Novel Paradise

  26. OMG I'm dying. Cinder and Pure. *jealousy* :)

    Enjoy your reads and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  27. Thank you for dropping by my page, youve got a good haul this week, Hope you enjoy it. WOuld want to read Dont you wish. looks good.


  28. Like that cover for The Gathering Storm ...

  29. Some great picks here, I love the Cinder cover. Can't wait to hear what you think about it.

    Thanks for stopping by ours!


  30. The Gathering Storm sounds phenominal...hope you love it! I can't wait to read Pure too :)

    International EVE giveaway

    My IMM

  31. Awesome haul you got there. I got some of those books for review as well and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on them. I think I've already mentioned that you have a lovely blog but really, you do.

  32. Looks like everyone got Cinder this week! I hope it's good.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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