Banned Books Week 2010

Over the past nine years, American libraries were faced with 4,312 challenges.

Banned Books Week is a celebration of the freedom to read, held annually in the last week of September.  One of the goals of Banned Books Week is to celebrate and ensure the availability of access to information as well as the expression and sharing of viewpoints or ideas.

For more information about Banned Books Week and tips on what you can do to fight censorship, check out these links:

We can all take part in the observance of BBW by reading at least one banned or challenged book.  Then, help to spread the word by sharing it with your friends and family, recommending it to others, discussing it, blogging about it, etc.  You can also help to fight censorship in your communities by speaking loudly against the practice of banning books.

If you are interested in reading banned or challenged books, but do not know where to begin, here are some lists that might help to get you started:

Recently Banned or Challenged Books That I've Read:
...and more to come!

What banned or challenged books have you read?


  1. I love this!!! I'm glad to say that I've read a lot of these same books! Great contribution to the anti-banning effort!


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